Language and Truth - Contributions to the Philosophy
of Rudolf Carnap
Preface |
Ilkka Niiniluoto, Carnap on Truth |
Jan Wolenski, Carnap's Metaphilosophy |
Thomas Mormann, Synthetic Geometry and Aufbau |
Ulrich Majer, Carnap's Übernahme der Gestalttheorie in den Aufbau im Lichte heutiger, vor allem computationaler Theorien des Sehens
C. Wade Savage, Carnap's Aufbau Rehabilitated
Chris Pincock, Carnap and the Unity of Science: 1921-1928 |
Graham H. Bird, Carnap's Internal and External Questions
Part 1: Quine's Criticisms
Part 2: Carnap's Arguments
Thomas Bonk, Scepticism under New Colours? Stroud's Criticism of Carnap |
Jaakko Hintikka, Squaring the Vienna Circle with Up-to-date Logic and Epistemology |
Wolfgang Spohn, Carnap versus Quine, or Aprioristic versus Naturalized Epistemology, or a Lesson from Dispositions |
Sahotra Sarkar, Husserl's Role in Carnap's Der Raum |
Index |